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Hi, I'm Jennifer.

I started my first software company over 25 years ago and grew it from zero to 7-figures.

My biggest nightmare wasn’t making payroll, getting new clients, or even developing software that seemed like everyone always wanted to change...

The real headache was my TEAM.

I hired people who interviewed well… and then performed poorly.

They couldn’t think outside the box, or make decisions on their own…

I would get bombarded daily with them asking me to solve their issues (when I had hired them to help me!). It seemed all my time would be spent babysitting and holding their hands.

They’d drop the ball on clients, leave for vacations (paid) without letting people know, or even be bothered to turn on their email autoresponder…

Then, to make matters worse, they’d want to be paid more money even though their performance made me want to jump off the nearest cliff.

I eventually sold the company and took a job in corporate. I thought my problems were solved because I was hired to manage a team already in place.

However, the drama, gossiping, and backstabbing from that team quickly had me not even wanting to walk in the front door.

I had plenty of issues trying to save client accounts, fix software full of bugs, but all of that was fine... it was the TEAM that made the job suck.

When I started my current coaching practice.. I went the first 5 YEARS refusing to hire anyone.


Because I didn’t want the headache of people.

But… here’s the problem with that…

I could only go so far in my business without a team.

On my own I got my revenues to a quarter of a million and then I hit a ceiling.

I was working a LOT of hours, doing things that were not a good use of my time, and realized that if I really wanted to take this company to 7-figures (which was definitely a burning desire in my heart) I was not going to be able to do it on my own… and still have a life.

The secret I discovered is the key to scaling from 6 figures to 7 and beyond is in developing a world-class team to take me there.… and for sure it wasn’t easy.

I hired (and FIRED) so many people along the way.

When I started our marketing agency a few years ago I cannot even count the number of contractors we went through.

It go so bad when hiring a new position for the team I would hire 4 people (to fill ONE spot) knowing that most of them would fall away leaving us with the one we were looking for.

But here's the TRUTH.

👉 It doesn’t matter if you’ve hired the wrong people before and blame yourself thinking you are just not good at hiring.

👉It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a good hiring process to find the right people.

👉 It doesn't matter if you have the right people on your team but they don’t perform to your expectations and make your daily life a hell.

👉It doesn't matter if you’ve read all the books on hiring the right people and being a great boss but your team is still what keeps you up at night.

Your greatest weakness can become your greatest strength when you do it right.

✅ Having a world class team solves the problem of “delegation” because it’s NOT you just holding on to things, the real problem is you don’t have the RIGHT person to delegate to.

✅ Having a world class team is what gives you back your time and freedom - to take a vacation and be able to actually relax (and not feel guilty) because you know your company is in good hands.

✅ Having a world class team makes you a TON more money than you could ever make on your own and allows you to scale without “doing it all yourself”.

✅ Having a world class team is more FUN - because truthfully growing a company with amazing people by your side is one of the greatest gifts there is.

That’s why I now help business owners stuck and struggling at 6 figures develop the world-class team they need to scale to 7 figures and beyond without having to know anything about hiring correctly, without spending relentless hours training and developing them, without it killing the bottom line, and without it taking up even more of their time. 

Yes, it’s all possible and I’d love to show you how.

If you're curious to learn more, just click the button below and schedule a call with my team.

Yes, we are the real deal and here's a small sample of the hundreds of testimonials from our clients:

The lessons you taught us have saved us from losing our business.  It feels so good to have cash in the bank and that line of credit sitting at a big fat ZERO!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!!


Jennifer helped me discover a new direction for my business that has resulted in a 41% increase in sales. She is supportive and encouraging, yet holds you accountable for the goals that you set. As a entrepreneur, this is extremely refreshing. I highly recommend Jennifer! You will not regret your decision.


I've made the shift from a purely hourly pricing strategy to a long term (6-12 month) retainer structure. For my business, this is a small but impactful first move toward the life changing type of business I set my sight on. I've exposed myself to as many new angles to look in at my business and outward at business as a whole. I feel confident that I will soon break free from any and all pigeon-holing beliefs about my business and vision.

Yoshi ~

Jennifer is an amazing coach as everyone has mentioned. But she is also just an amazingly compassionate person who somehow finds a way to give me the exact advice I need in a way that I can receive it. It’s more of an art than a science - which is what makes her coaching style so valuable Every time I talk to her she has some kind of insight that opens me up to another way of looking at things. I haven’t written many reviews but felt compelled to write this. If you want to grow your business and maybe even more importantly grow as a person, I highly recommend getting Jennifer on your team.

~ Naomi

The first call I had with Jennifer I was in tears. I felt so overwhelmed, ashamed and ignorant. I had been ignoring the financial side of my business for years because I didn't even know where to start. I felt like a bad business owner. Even though my business appeared to be running beautifully, I knew almost nothing about budgeting, figuring out my cash flow or planning for a profit. I had always been afraid of money and numbers and now that I owned my own business it all felt so confusing and insurmountable.

However, I had one goal for the year and that was to become confident and savvy in the financial side of my business. I wanted to feel EMPOWERED, not helpless and confused, hoping that everything would "work out". Jennifer was everything I needed and more. I was incredibly skeptical when she said that I would likely be able to pay for her services with the profits I made after implementing the changes we discussed - it felt like a big investment and I wasn't sure how I was going to increase my profits. She proved me wrong. I can't describe what it feels like to feel in charge and in control of my business.

Now I can continue to offer incredible service to my patients and clients AND I can experience financial rewards and feel reassured about the stability and sustainability of my business. I was able to really pay myself for the first time in years and I remodeled my living room which had been on my vision board for a long time. When I walk into my home I feel so proud!  Now I have built up my operating expenses account to a stable and comfortable place and my profits are growing. I understand my cash flow and I am excited to go over my numbers every month. (can you believe that!?! I'm not scared - I'm excited!)

I am incredibly grateful for Jennifer, her patience, her guidance and her coaching to get me to that next level as an entrepreneur. I can't wait to learn even more from her! I highly recommend Jennifer and her services - you will be so glad you invested in this powerful coaching for long term success!

~ Dr. Yami

Jennifer's coaching style is fabulous! She offers just the right amount of encouragement and support while also pushing me out of my comfort zone so I can grow. Jennifer's general business knowledge, honest feedback. and ability to show me how to turn challenges into opportunities all combine into a great mix for me and my business.


Jennifer has really helped me in growing my business and profitability, She understands numbers, knows marketing and holds my fit to the fire! I highly recommend her!!


Jennifer Dawn has been a blessing.  She has helped me and my business come back from the brink of death.  With her help, my music school is no longer in crisis but in growth mode and she has helped me through encouragement and tough love.  Working with her is a joy and I appreciate her dedication, honesty, hard work, knowledge, empathy and compassion.  I hope to continue to work with Jennifer for many years to come!


I have been working with Jennifer for three years. First, she is a delight to talk with. She listens, understands, pushes, coaxes, does whatever is necessary to empower you to reach your goals. She is tough when needed, and supportive when needed. My business has grown leaps and bounds since working with her. I consider her part of my team and can't imagine doing business without her.


Thanks to the Profit First course, every dollar my online store brings in is now carefully divided and earmarked for a specific purpose. It was like I was working in the dark and then Jennifer came in and turned on the lights for me!  Thanks again for sharing your invaluable tools.


If you are ready to scale by growing a world-class team then just


Jennifer Dawn coaches entrepreneurs to become world class business owners. She’s the creator of Best Planner Ever, and author of The Joy Guide: Finding Your Joy In A World of Crap.  Jennifer is a Profit First certified coach and host of the Happy Productive podcast. She began her entrepreneurial career at age 8 selling apples off her grandfather’s tree because a lemonade stand was so “yesterday”.

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